Seni Mitos
Monday, February 6, 2012
Coffee Doodle
Whenever me and Nadia had the chance to hang out at a coffee joint, I'd bring along my Galaxy Tab. We'd sip our coffee, surfing and youtubing away with the free WiFi.
Today, out of boredom, she decided to mess around with Autodesk SBMX and came up with this doodle. "Coffee Doodle", she called it. I managed to snap a picture (with Android's Retro Camera, so there's not much Photoshopping involved aside from the watermark) of her progress and I decided to upload it here.
The thing about this piece is her pen stroke. First time drawing with fingers? Maybe. But there's character. That red spot on the nose is a reflection of a downlight. Rudolph? Flu? I dunno but in the end, it's something worth uploading to me ;)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
... and what you're looking at now is the year 2011...
Did this sketch like cuppla weeks ago. Nothing out of the ordinary: bold pen on paper. Kinda lazy to hook in my wife's scanner. Thank God cellphone comes with camera these days. This is Bob the friendly Hooligan. I was waiting for my students during their consultation session. Boredom kicks in, and Bob came smiling.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Fishboy Tests
As Azman mentioned in an earlier post, a couple of us are working on a side project called Project Fishboy. We've finalized the script and started on principal photography a few months back. Now, we're starting on the rough design for Fishboy. Joe's done a few tracking tests which looks pretty good. I tried out a few really quick proportion tests using ZSpheres. Some of them, admittedly look awkward and unbalanced but it doesn't hurt to try it out a bit just for comparison. In the end, we agreed on a more hunching, slender character. It gives Fishboy a more gawky, approachable look. Didn't want to make him seem threatening and violent. Now I'm kind of looking forward to start on the costume and prop design. Especially the head gear. I have a thing for head gears.
Fishy fishy fishy fishy...

Preliminary discussions for this project go way back to earlier this year when we were brainstorming on ideas and characters and whatnot. Scripts were drafted, scrapped and green-lit and it all lead to this fishy-looking character (currently named Fishboy).
I am/was (supposedly) the character's arms/legs/hands/feet developer but even with those individual parts drawn seperately, you'll never know how they'd look like merged all together. So I decided to sketch out the first concept (based on Joe's fishheads mesh and Nadia's 3D mockup) and yea, this thing came out.
I thought I was happy with the "wet-look" feel of the face but no... not wet enough I guess. My main concern remains on the body as I was aiming for a long but hunched torso. The hands and feet are still up for development because I'm not really happy with the inconsistency of the both of them (the feet looks like a complete rip-off of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle).

More to come!
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011
Mr P.I.G

I was messing around with my phone (finally installed Android OS on it) and I downloaded the free version of Autodesk SBMX. It's nothing ground breaking or anything but it's an awesome app to mess around with. A great time waster (when you're bored) but it's definitely great to sketch on the go!
I'm still fumblin' around with it cause I'm not used to slide my fingers around and sketch something out (still used to holding pens and stylus).
Your worst comment is highly appreciated.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Not quite there...

Monday, January 3, 2011
"Do you know what Nemesis means?"
First post of Twenty Eleven (Happy New Year!). And my first post since... *counts*... August (!). *sigh*...
This is Nigel the Slug. An English mafia/gangster me and Idris sorta came up with when we were brainstorming for......... I don't quite remember what. That was waaaaaay back in November (methinks).
At this moment, I was supposed to be sketching/coloring/doodling for something else entirely different. But my current backpain/low motivation pulled me back (a bit).
Back to Nigel, it was a quick doodle with Sai. I'm not too happy with the face (lack character) and the length of the leg (too anime). The overall pose could've been better. But it's a great start with this bloke because I think this can go somewhere. Will definitely revisit the design in the near future.