This piece is part of the Sama-sama Guesthouse Mini Alternative Art Festival 2010 in Malacca.
“Left” started off as a doodle to observe the different interpretations formed by individuals in my life, sort of like an unplanned Rorschach test. One may see a fish and another may see a mushroom. Ultimately, it’s a small tiny window into another person’s mind and imagination.
This is a "teaser" image of sort for the upcoming exhibition in Malacca. Kudos to our colleage, Siew Wai for inviting me and Nadia for this exhibition.
Received mixed reviews on the work and especially on the title but I decided to have a go with it. It is still a WIP but I think some ideas and critique from the masses would be just great. I'm currently looking at three artworks for the exhibition but I certainly hope that I can show more design progression. We'll see.
Another quickie. This is Mr. Bored.
First post since March. Sad. Didn't really illustrate this with any purpose cause I was bored attending this one academic workshop at my workplace.
Anyways, I just watched Predators and I liked this Yakuza character, Hanzo. I thought I could doodle him out from memory and it ended up like this. It turned out "okay" to me (seeing it's a quickie doodle) but I'm not particularly happy with the left hand and the right arm and the face... and the whole composition (heh). Going to re-visit this for an art exhibition in Malacca.